the official website of calinog

Population Census of Calinog

As of the latest official Census Issued by The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) in the year 2015.

Year Population +%P.A. Year Population +%P.A.
1903 4,194 -    1990 41,113 + 2.25%
1939 22,175 + 4.73% 1995 45,452 + 1.90%
1948 25,484 + 1.56% 2000 48,452 + 1.38%
1960 29,913 + 1.34% 2007 51,018 + 0.71%
1970 25,996 - 1.39% 2010 54,430 + 2.38%
1975 30,074 + 2.97% 2015 60,413 + 2.01%
1980 32,897 + 1.81%

In the 2015 census, the population of Calinog, Iloilo, was 60,413 people, with a density of 220 inhabitants per square kilometer or 570 inhabitants per square mile.

There are two ethnic groups identified in the municipality. They are the Sulodnon or Bukidnon tribe and the Aeta.

The main local languages are HiligaynonCapiznon and Kinaray-a. Filipino and English are also used and understood by the local residents, but are seldom used everyday.